Attn: Help clients and customers remember appointments. We make it easy…

Have us Send Reminder Postcards to help your Customers and Clients remember their appointments.

A time saving service which rewards your business by helping customer’s remember their appointments.

Many businesses set up future appointments for their customers, clients, and patients to return for a meeting or check up.  Financial brokers, doctors, dentist, lawyers, tax accountants, and many many more businesses set up appointments to run the schedule of their business smoothly.

With this service we will set up a system to send an appointment reminder postcard to your customers ( clients or patients ) to help them remember their appointments with your business. The appointment postcard is designed on the front to grab reader’s attention.  Then the back of the postcard is completely customized to identify your business and highlight the appointment information for the customers.

With this systems you can reduce the amount of missing and late appointments which are costly for your business.  Also, your customers will appreciate these reminders in helping them gain the most benefit in their visit to your business.

We make it easy …

First, we design your customized reminder card.  On this page there is a link to a form which you use to send us the information you want on your card.   After we receive this information we will create a standard backside design for your card.  Then we will put an image of this design on a web page and send you a link to review the design.  We will then make changes until you confirm it looks good to go.

Second, with your approval on the card design, we should be ready for you to start sending us your appointment information.  As you set your appointment information with your customers you can send it to us by email, or you can use our online form to send it.  You could also send us a list of appointments in a spreadsheet file or a text file.

We recommend sending the reminder postcards a minimum of 10 days prior to the appointment date.  We can increase the amount of days per your request.  Due to this 10 day minimum period, this reminder system cannot be used for appointment reminders which will occur in less than 11 days prior to submitting the appointment information to us for the card.

Keep your time focused on what is most valuable to you

Many business send out their own reminders, and that is fine for those that have the extra time to work this into your business.  We are simply offering you an alternative, use your time for what is most valuable for you and your business, and let our service take care of this important administrative task.

You can then keep your time focused on you customer’s , client’s, or patient’s needs.   If you are focused on their needs it will return to your business the best value of your time.

By using our service all you need to do is communicate your customer’s appointment date and his mailing address and we will schedule and take care of sending out your appointment reminder cards.

Here are the steps on how it works:

  1. Decide you want to use our service and select one of our reminder postcards to use for sending to your customers.
  2. Then communicate to us what you want the back of your reminder postcard to say. The back side of the postcard can be customized to identify you, your business, appointment details and what ever greeting you want.
  3. After we have your approval on the backside design we are ready to receive your list of customer appointments and mailing addresses.
  4. We will take care of mailing your cards out 10 days prior to their appointment.
  5. We will also send you an email confirmation for each mailing.

So after setting up your customized reminder postcard and sending us your appointment information for your customers, you are done.  You do not have to use more of your valuable time for remembering to send and then mail out out your reminders.  Your customers are happy to receive their reminders and your business runs smoother because your customers come in when you expect them.

Another, set it and forget it system from SedonaDPS that works for you.

What are some of your concerns and questions ?

  1. Can I afford it? I might ask first can you afford not to use a system which allows you to focus your important time on what your business does for your customers.  That is where your time will deliver the most customer appreciation and therefore the best value back to your business.  The cost on this one is lower than purchasing cards from a local stationary store and then mailing the cards yourself.
  2. I can just send the reminder cards out myself. You could, but the real issue is will you? Since most business folks are just as busy as they can be, very few are able to find the additional time needed to go to send out reminder cards to their customers. Here is a system you can be sure of.
  3. How hard is it to make a custom card ? You can send all your instructions by email. We take your instructions and create a design which we put on a web page for you to review. As you review the design you can submit changes or confirm your approval. We do all this work for FREE. The only time you pay is when we start mailing out your reminder cards to your customers.

What kind of assurances are there for this service ?

You do not have to invest anything upfront to have your custom backside for your cards created. There is no long term commitment required, so you can quit the service at anytime. You receive an email notice for each mailing, and you are only charged for cards after they have been mailed to you customers.

Our current pricing for this service is $0.97 /card which includes a customized backside design & printing, postage, mailing, and no volume commitment for how many cards you want to send.


Lets get started!
(A larger view will pop up by clicking on any card)

Start the process by selecting one of the following card designs for the front:

Reminder Card 001
Reminder Card 001

Reminder Card 002
Reminder Card 002

We can customize the back as you want it
This example is just for information:
standard reminder postcard backside example
standard reminder postcard backside example

Many more card designs are planned to be added for your selection.
You can change to a different frontside design at any time.

Now just send us your selection and instructions for what you want
by using the following link to open up our start form in a new window:

Click Here for Form to Start Setting up your reminder service for your customer’s appointments

PS: Don’t pass on this opportunity to help your customers and help your business! There is no risk.